July 23, 2010

Saurav- Friendship

In the orange glow of morn,
A welcoming ship was born.
On the blue seas of the east,
It floated with turn and twist.

The sun was rising slowly,
Its rays making life jolly;
All birds and fishes got up
And went for another sup.

None cared to hold the lever.
Fevers were in the sewer,
Both shipmates hummed breezily;
The waters swept easily.

Having no care in the world,
Fitted with bands which were curled-
Around their wrists; they shunned all
Gossip- root of every brawl!

This poesy is for you,
From my very own heart- true;
May you never step into
Limbo, oh ‘Blender of Two’

This legend is unending,
And those who are still seeking
Will find the sublime small ship
Which is honoured as ‘Friend-ship.’

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