July 6, 2011

One more chance, please!

Do you hate all roses
Because you got pricked by one?
Did you get betrayed
That you have changed to a nun?

Have you stopped dreaming
Because one didn’t come true?
What has happened
That you have got this madness flu?

Have you forsaken company
Because one friend was unfaithful?
Did you stop your prayers
Because one of them was not fruitful?

Did you stop hunting
Because you missed one prey?
Did you stop debating
Because nobody helped your say?

Remember there is always a second chance
To prove who you are
Let not such hollow prejudices
Your efforts and determination mar.


harsh agarwal said...

mast re....

Did u stp lvng
if ur gf dumpd u

u dtp txtng
if ur netwrk didnt delivr msgs

did u stp fb
if u frgt ur pswrd

drs always d scnd chnc

Surf said...

hahahahah! yup!!!