November 12, 2011

The So-Called "11.11.11"

11th November d-day of the millennium. People say it won’t come again. Try your best to do whatever you can. It’s the day that you will remember for your life time.
I ask why??
Why to do something special on a day just because it has same series of digits. Why to wait for over 2 months and then complete the work on 11.11.11. Why people want their baby to be born on 11.11.11. Why did imtiaz ali choose 11.11.11 as the release day for “Rockstar”. People would go and watch it even if it was released on next Friday or the pre-Friday.

Why did the hospitals counted 20% more births than usual day just because 11.11.11.
Heights of illogical and unreasonable decision.
Will 1.06.11 cm next in your whole life time or will 23.09.11 come again…..then?
If yesterday would be 32.13.11 I would surely think it was a good decision to get your things done in a really unique day !
People nowadays are getting highly illogical. They have stopped using their brains and running after popularity, fame and hopeless pride.
What pride will a man will take in oneself if he stands in front of the whole world with 100’s of criminal cases running in his name and shout “I was born on 11.11.11”
A mans character s reflected by the work he does not by the day he was born.
Has “Rockstar” earned a crore more if it got released on a so called special day?
Friends, families, persons and all rest other left out, please it’s a request :
Think, think and think again and then ask the doctor- “I want my baby to be born on 11.11.11.”


Anonymous said...

I agree with you!! 11.11.11?! Seriously man! That's plain stoopid, no one'll ever get back 03.05.11, what's so special with 11.11.11??!!!

Harsh said...

Exactly..I wanted to convey it.
And guess what ?
dhoom 3 is releasing on 12.12.12
People Have Become So Unrealistic These Days